Use of the exponential function for modeling microbial growth

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Isabel Dorado Auz
José Luis Díaz Gómez


This work deals with the introduction of the exponential function in the first Calculus course of the Clinical Chemical Biologist career at the University of Sonora, as a mathematical tool to develop a modeling process in the teaching of a topic of this subject. A didactic device called Study and Research Path was used as the "ideal" didactic organization to integrate mathematical modeling in the Calculus course. The work consisted in the implementation of this device, based on a real-life problem, bacterial growth, as a way to contribute to the development of students' problem-solving skills in life outside the classroom.

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How to Cite
Dorado Auz, I., & Díaz Gómez, J. L. (2014). Use of the exponential function for modeling microbial growth. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 5(1), 77–94.
Research Articles


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