Learning difficulties in Mathematical Analysis according to teachers in Ecuador and Colombia: their origin and didactic strategies for teaching

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Luis Dubarbie Fernández


This paper shows the results of a study carried out with Mathematics teachers from Colombia and Ecuador on the learning difficulties that students present in relation to the contents of the Mathematical Analysis. In particular, it deeps into the origin of the learning difficulties associated with notions as relevant as function, limit, derivative or integral, noting that the complexity inherent to the subject itself and the cognitive abilities of the students are considered the main sources of these learning difficulties. Finally, the proposed didactic strategies to improve teaching processes are the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the identification of prior knowledge of the students, the design of plans to reinforce and the establishment of links between the contents addressed in the classroom and daily life.

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How to Cite
Dubarbie Fernández, L. (2024). Learning difficulties in Mathematical Analysis according to teachers in Ecuador and Colombia: their origin and didactic strategies for teaching. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 20(1), 79–102. https://doi.org/10.61174/recacym.v20i1.214
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