Design and construction of a virtual platform to support the teaching and learning of mathematics

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Carlos Armando Cuevas-Vallejo
Israel Emmanuel Hernández González


The present work is the presentation of a research advance that consists of building and designing a virtual platform for the teaching and learning of mathematics, which can be of great help to the teacher by facilitating the design of lessons on mathematical concepts and providing the student with the realization of interactive exercises, randomly generated, with review and feedback that allows to develop some mastery in its execution. Given the practical impossibility of addressing many mathematical concepts and showing the platform, we chose a concept that has demonstrated difficulty in teaching and learning at all educational levels: the concept of fractions. For teachers from elementary to higher education, it is known that many students have deficiencies in the treatment of fractions. On the other hand, in addition to this problem, there is the vertiginous development of digital technology that, through different platforms, offers the student the possibility of performing operations with fractions. However, the operations are generally performed in a hidden way for the user, producing an almost null learning. With the idea of offering the community support to formulate didactic activities with fractions and their operations, lessons, exercises for the concept of fractions or rational numbers will be shown.

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How to Cite
Cuevas-Vallejo, C. A., & Hernández González, I. E. (2023). Design and construction of a virtual platform to support the teaching and learning of mathematics. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 19(2), 15–33.
Research Articles
Author Biographies

Carlos Armando Cuevas-Vallejo, Center for Research and Advanced Studies

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados

Israel Emmanuel Hernández González, Center for Research and Advanced Studies

Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados


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