Classification of errors in the productions of high school students in algebra items in the PLANEA test.

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Judith Hernández Sanchez
Adrián Castro-Camacho


The study of errors and the causes that give rise to them makes it possible to accompany the process of restructuring students' mental schemas. An important element in the improvement of learning is the evaluation of learning, which can provide teachers with information that can help improve their teaching practices and their students' learning. This paper presents an analysis of the errors made by students in a group of third grade high school students when solving five National Learning Assessment Plan algebraic items. The diagnosis of the errors was carried out using a qualitative-interpretative ap-proach by means of two error classification models. The results show that the most frequent errors in solving the test were: misused data, incorrect interpretation of language and insufficient mastery of symbols.

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How to Cite
Hernández Sanchez, J., & Castro-Camacho, A. (2023). Classification of errors in the productions of high school students in algebra items in the PLANEA test. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 19(1), 23–36.
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