Inclusive education and other forms of mathematical knowledge production. mathematical knowledge. An example of deconstruction of the parabola curve based on the geometrical property of accumulating and using everyday knowledge: counting and measuring the squares of a square paper squares of a graph paper

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Mario Adalberto García García


This work is part of the efforts of inclusive education as a project that implies the need to modify the educational system to guarantee access and quality of education. This implies accepting that there are physical and social barriers that can be removed by recognizing the validity of other ways of thinking that alter the everyday ways of teaching and learning mathematics. Specifically, an example of deconstruction of the parabola curve is shown. For this, the participatory action research methodology was used with students between 16-19 years of age in an analytical geometry course. Through intercultural student-teacher processes, daily knowledge was discovered: counting and measuring the squares on a sheet of graph paper, and that, together with the accumulation property exhibited by the base rectangle of the parabola, made it possible to project and implement a design didactic for the graphical construction of quadratic functions.

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How to Cite
García García, M. A. (2023). Inclusive education and other forms of mathematical knowledge production. mathematical knowledge. An example of deconstruction of the parabola curve based on the geometrical property of accumulating and using everyday knowledge: counting and measuring the squares of a square paper squares of a graph paper. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 19(1), 63–86.
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