Modeling and technology in the teaching of mathematics at the high school level: an example of a learning situation

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José David Zaldívar Rojas
Noelia Londoño Millán
Gonzalo Medina Ramírez


Gradually, the use of technology, such as dynamic geometry packages, applets, calculators or sensors, had become something common in mathematic lessons. Nevertheless, there is still a resistance in the integration of those packages. Some possible causes are due to ignorance about technology potentialities, teachers caution of unknown, difficulty of classroom management, and also lack of real examples of integration. For that reason, our study proposes practical examples of technology integration in mathematical classes through mathematical modeling. The learning situations designed, emphasized knowledge functionality, meanings and argumentation developments, and multiple representations. Additionally, it is observed the role of mathematics as a tool to cope with concepts learning, where technology helped the development of mathematical thinking

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How to Cite
Zaldívar Rojas, J. D., Londoño Millán, N., & Medina Ramírez, G. (2019). Modeling and technology in the teaching of mathematics at the high school level: an example of a learning situation. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 8(1), 19–30.
Research Articles