The presentation of the concept of variable in textbooks: A comparative analysis

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José Luis Díaz Gómez


The concept of variable is fundamental in learning algebra and other areas of mathematics, but its understanding remains a significant challenge for students at various educational levels. This article analyzes how the concept of variable is presented in 100 elementary, middle school, high school, and college textbooks, with the objective of identifying patterns, inconsistencies, and opportunities for improvement. The results show that most of the texts approach it as a general number or an unknown, while more advanced approaches, such as the variable as a functional relationship, are less frequent. It is concluded that it is necessary to integrate broader and contextualized definitions to improve students' conceptual understanding.

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How to Cite
Díaz Gómez, J. L. (2025). The presentation of the concept of variable in textbooks: A comparative analysis. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 20(2), 1–18. Retrieved from
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