An alternative to work on mathematical thinking through modeling at the high school level

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Mónica del Rocío Torres Ibarra
Johan David Gallego Guzmán
Nancy Janeth Calvillo Guevara


The objective of this work have a proposal to promote transversality between mathematical thoughts through mathematical modeling within the framework of the new Mexican school for the upper secondary level. The resolution of a population problem based on the Fibonacci Series is used as a basis, with the intention of interacting between topics such as functions, variation, graphing and.  The proposal was validated with five students from the Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas. The results revealed that when faced with a problem situation, which is presented with a simulator, students are able to involve all the pillars of mathematical thinking in a transversal way and model the problem to reach a solution

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How to Cite
Torres Ibarra, M. del R., Gallego Guzmán, J. D., & Calvillo Guevara, N. J. (2025). An alternative to work on mathematical thinking through modeling at the high school level. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 20(2), 67–86.
Teaching proposals


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