Interaction between mathematical knowledge and the teacher's conceptions of teaching-learning when teaching rational function

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Leticia Sosa Guerrero
Hermes Alfredo Carabali Florez


This article characterizes the impact of the interrelation between the teacher's mathematical knowledge and their conceptions of teaching and learning when teaching rational functions. The study, qualitative in nature with an interpretative approach, focused on the practice of a high school teacher. To identify the teacher's knowledge, the Mathematics Teacher’s Specialized Knowledge(MTSK) model was used, focusing on the teacher's mathematical knowledge during instruction. Regarding conceptions, theConcepciones de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje de las Matemáticas (CEAM) instrument was used to establish links between what was conceived and the teaching practice carried out. The results show that the teacher's conceptions significantly influence their didactic decisions, moderating their teaching practice. In this sense, understanding the relationship between these conceptions and their specialized knowledge reveals the teacher's teaching model and the mathematical achievements of their students, highlighting the importance of integrating both aspects to impact educational outcomes.

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How to Cite
Sosa Guerrero, L., & Carabali Florez, H. A. (2025). Interaction between mathematical knowledge and the teacher’s conceptions of teaching-learning when teaching rational function. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 20(2), 19–44.
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