Application of the Graphical Approach in the teaching of inequalities: A review of the didactic experience from an ontosemiotic perspective.

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Angela Torres


Given the non-ostensible nature of mathematical objects, the apprehension of their meanings and the different conceptual elements associated with them presents difficulties for students. Hence, in recent years there has been a growing interest in evaluating the effectiveness of the use of various representation schemes as a didactic means to strengthen the concepts and meanings of mathematical objects. The present research, beyond the descriptive exploratory process, tried to deepen the relationship between the use of graphic and algebraic registers and the success achieved when studying the topics of Functions and Inequalities, analyzing the semiotic conflicts that arise when studying the aforementioned topics in the specific context given in the National Experimental University of Táchira. The research offers the possibility of examining the learning process of Inequalities from an innovative perspective, as well as evaluating the impact offered by the new didactic tools supported by the Graphic Approach.

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How to Cite
Torres, A. (2013). Application of the Graphical Approach in the teaching of inequalities: A review of the didactic experience from an ontosemiotic perspective. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 4(1), 65–78.
Research Articles


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