Teaching Calculus from a Complex Approach
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The teaching of Calculus has been the subject of analysis in recent years through research focused on the analysis of difficulties from various theoretical approaches, where only students and teachers exist. However, during the formative process, there are a multiplicity of factors which are affected by external and internal stimuli. The present proposal includes analyzing the teaching process of calculus, taking advantage of the benefits offered by complex thinking that analyzes the various interconnections present in the training process, as well as the use of an active methodology such as problem-based learning for the student to visualize the application of their knowledge in activities in their own environment. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach, through interviews which allowed obtaining opinions on the first impressions and modifications experienced by the students. The results showed that it not only contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical objects studied, but also to a different conception of the students about the course and its development.
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