Didactic resources in the teaching of calculus in the digital era

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Juan de Dios Viramontes


This reflection is based on the activities of the work group on Technology in Education of the EICAL 12 where the reflections generated in the conferences that are presented in groups are incorporated in a synthesized way, which were used as a starting point for the discussion, with the purpose to offer an overview of the use of technology in education. The development of the theme focuses on the didactic resources available for teaching calculus, starting from a general view of the role of the textbook, to focus on the way in which optimization problems are presented considering elements of the Theory Anthropology of the Didactic (TAD). This allows us to broaden our view of the resources offered on the network, showing phenomena associated with the information searches carried out by students to solve the different types of mathematical activities.

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How to Cite
Viramontes, J. de D. . (2022). Didactic resources in the teaching of calculus in the digital era. El cálculo Y Su enseñanza, 18(2), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.61174/recacym.v18i2.183
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